About Us - Our Story

BotaniVie is a husband-and-wife team developed through Samantha and Brendan's experiences around a shared passion for nature and our new adventure began in 2022!

The Earth

The Earth

Samantha's experience living side by side with nature in the French Alps for the last five years is where the dream of BotaniVie was first imagined.

Suffering from very dehydrated skin living in a cold, dry climate and having searched for off-the-shelf plastic free skincare, we noticed a lack of easily available choices.

The Ocean

The Ocean

On the other hand, Brendan's almost 20-year career working as an Officer on ships at sea has afforded him a perspective of our global ocean from the high seas.

Seeing first-hand the amount of plastic pollution in the ocean far away from civilisation was staggering!

Having also spent several years working on a Scientific Research Vessel he witnessed scientists studying the impact of human activity and pollution and the direct impact this is having on the health of our oceans. This experience led him to begin working for an avenue of change towards sustainability. 

The Inspiration

The Inspiration

Without compromising quality or choice, our goal is to bring together a range of the UK's independent and innovative brands on one platform, with earth-friendly missions at their heart. We believe each person can make small positive steps for the planet with every product they use.

We want beauty that's nourishing for the skin AND healthy for the planet. Using the natural environment as inspiration, the earth for Samantha and the ocean for Brendan, our drive was towards sourcing naturally healing and therapeutic skincare products that are kind to skin using nature's own ingredients.

Without contributing further to the decimation of our oceans and adding to the plastic build-up witnessed first-hand by Brendan at sea, we made the conscious decision to stock zero-waste, sustainable products, avoiding those packaged in single-use plastic or containing microplastics in their formulas! 

We pride ourselves on our friendly and professional customer service, and we are always natural, cruelty-free, reef-safe & sustainable. 

We hope to share some of the unique products and our passions with you along our journey!

Samantha & Brendan

BotaniVie About Us. Walk lightly on the Earth, for you walk upon your own dreams. quote in the forest or wood.